10 Cleaning Tips to Organize Your Life

May 12, 2022

No matter if you're a neat freak or a messy person, everyone can benefit from cleaning tips. We understand that cleaning might not always be your top priority, but it's important to keep your home in order. Make it a family affair by letting your children help you. You'll be teaching them important skills like teamwork and organization.

Year-end cleaning comes with a combination of benefits and stresses. After a long day at work, cleaning tends to be the last thing on anyone's mind. You're exhausted, you have to feed your family and then tidy up after the day's events. Having a clean and organized house is a wonderful reward after all of your hard work, but getting there can be a strenuous journey. We'll try to make it easier for you.

Learn how to keep your house clean every day with these easy (and sometimes enjoyable) cleaning tips. Let tidying up become part of your family's daily routine and incorporate ways to make it fun. Following these tips will make getting your chores done easier and less daunting.

1. Stretch before you clean. 

Cleaning can burn hundreds of calories. It's essential to warm up properly before engaging in any strenuous activity and tidying up is no exception. Remember to stretch from your neck to your toes. The looser you feel, the easier your chores will be.

2. Clean three things a day. Big or small, dirt gets to them all.

If cleaning all at once is overwhelming, stick to a routine that works for you. Committing to small tasks during the week and leaving big jobs for the weekend is an excellent way to organize your cleaning time efficiently. Each weekday, plan to wash dirty dishes, throw out expired food and put soiled clothes into the laundry basket. When you reach the weekend, you won't have a full sink or smelly fridge, and your laundry will be gathered together, ready for your washing machine.

3. Are homemade or store-bought cleaners better for cleaning?

While professional cleaning supplies might seem like they always work, sometimes a homemade mixture of vinegar and water will suffice. However, some cleaners should be bought and not homemade. For example, Good Housekeeping recommends purchasing your furniture polish, laundry detergent and shower cleaners from a retailer for best results.

4. Choose one room as your cleaning goal for each week.

If you don't have enough time to clean your whole home over a week, choose one room as your focus. By choosing to concentrate on one room at a time, you take the pressure off and give yourself space to start and finish your desired cleaning project. This is especially helpful if you are someone who usually starts multiple tasks without completing a single one.

5. Make a list of commonly missed places and dedicate time to cleaning all of them.

Do you find that you always miss certain spots when you're straightening up your home? Remember these cleaning tips and create a list of the places that you continually neglect. Add to your list each time you discover a new spot that you've missed. Areas like shelves in your refrigerator, the floor behind your toilet, and underneath your bed deserve attention and can become overrun with dirt if overlooked for too long.

6. Don't forget to clean your windows even when it's cold outside.

Dirty windows get in the way of your view. As you clean the glass, pane and sill, check your windows for any leaks. Faulty window seals can cause heating deficiencies in your home. 

Anywhere you eat in your home is at risk for crumbs. In addition to vacuuming and freshening the surface of your furniture, remember to remove cushions and clean underneath them.

8. It's okay to skip the party to stay home and organize.

It's your winter break, spend it however you'd like! If parties feel more like an obligation than a joy, you might opt to stay home and organize. Make tasks go faster by asking your family for help. Spending time together during the holiday season is the most important thing, no matter if you're at a party or having fun listening to music and cleaning out your closet.

9. Consider your mental health. Cleaning is good for your mood.

Princeton University discovered in 2011 that a messy environment harms productivity. When your space is free from clutter, you're free to focus on other tasks. Use these cleaning tips to prevent things from piling up. There will come a point (often at an inconvenient time) when you can't wait anymore, and cleaning will demand your attention. Choose to clean on your terms by making it a scheduled priority among your other tasks. 

10. Put on your favourite music and clean to a beat.

Change your perspective on cleaning by creating a positive atmosphere. No one says that you have to clean in silence. Put on your favourite tunes and move while you mop. Have a cleaning dance party by making music part of your tidying routine.

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